Project 365/2103: Days 103 and 104

Right. The last couple of days have been kind of busy, so here’s a catch-up post.

Saturday, April 13: Day 103


Saying goodbye to a good friend after a fun birthday outing.

Sunday, April 14
Complete Dud. I was feeling rather wretched and spent most of the day on the couch. Did not get a single photo, not even on my iPhone. So there goes my streak! Ah well. Not going to beat myself up over it. I’ll just have to add an extra day at the end.

Monday, April 15: Day 104
I had just received the Fuji X100 (a rental from and had to dive in. We will be going to Coachella this weekend, and I wanted something better than my iPhone or this Nikon point-and-shoot we hardly every use. Of course, I’d love to use the Mark III, but lugging around that beast (and lenses) would be both cumbersome and dangerous. I’ve been drooling over the X100 since it came out, so I figured this would be the perfect time to try it out.


Leftover bottle of wine from an impromptu dinner party over the weekend.



Nothing like some frozen yogurt on a warm afternoon.

This was taken this past Thursday, but couldn’t work it in the April photo challenge so I put it aside.

When I picked him up from school, he was practically drenched in sweat from the impromptu dance party they were having in the school yard. We had a bit of time to kill until his afternoon activity, so when I asked him if he wanted to grab a snack, he enthusiastically asked for some frozen yogurt. It was such a warm day in LA that day that I just had to say yes. Besides, I’m not one to turn down froyo anyway!

Project 365/2013: Day 101

April Photo A Day Challenge: Detail

Macro Rose

Macro Rose

My family and I went to dinner a few nights ago at one of our local Mexican restaurants. A lady selling roses hovered by our table and my husband felt inclined to buy one. I’m not big on receiving flowers — I find chocolates much more practical — though they are certainly beautiful to look at.

Project 365/2013: Day 100

April Photo A  Day Challenge: A Place

Mar Vista

Mar Vista: not quite Venice, not quite Culver City, and not quite Santa Monica.

Ah, Mar Vista. We’re not our own city, yet we’re definitely a distinct neighborhood. We’re not as hippy as Venice, yet not quite as fancy as Santa Monica.

When I first moved to Los Angeles from New York in 1999, my very first apartment was in Mar Vista. After moving north to the Bay Area and then south to Orange County — an 11 year break — I found myself back in the same zip code. Back then, I lived in a dingy apartment complex that had a serious problem with water bugs. Now, I live in a house with a white picket fence on a quiet, tree-lined street.

Mar Vista. Home.

Project 365/2013: Day 98

April Photo A Day Challenge: On Your Plate

On My Plate

Forms, forms, and more forms!

At first I thought about shooting something I ate; literally, what’s on my plate. But then the afternoon happened and things got busy. So figuratively, THIS is on my plate: a thick stack of forms to fill out for our local public school so that my son can begin Kindergarten in August. PLUS! More forms to fill out for an IEP. I’m practically swimming in all the forms I have to fill out.

Project 365/2013: Day 97

COD Championships

The Fariko.Impact team, who ended up winning the event (and the top $400,000 prize).

Again, I’m skipping today’s April Photo A Day Challenge since I went back to shoot the gaming event in Hollywood. (Though today’s word is Dreamy, I suppose I could say that some of these kids’ dreams are coming true … but yeah, too much of a stretch.)

Had my 100mm out for most of the day at the event. I actually meant to swing by Calumet to rent the 70-200mm f/2.8 L lens on my way, but turns out their rental department is closed on Sundays.

Project 365/2013: Day 96

Competitive Gaming

Competitive Gaming

I’m skipping today’s April Photo A Day Challenge since I was shooting a competitive video game event in Hollywood (and honestly, I had no idea how to work Air into my shots).

I wanted to practice shooting indoor, low-light events. I planned on renting some extra lenses, but I ended up walking around solely with my 50mm. I was fine with the length of the lens, but after reviewing my shots, it looks like I struggled a lot with getting sharper images.

I might be able to check the event out again on it’s final day tomorrow. Calumet is actually on the way, so I may still decide to rent a lens and possibly a Speedlite.

Project 365/2013: Day 95

April Photo A Day Challenge: Something Good

Something Good

Some wine for personal celebrations.

After I picked up my son from school, he wanted a snack that I didn’t have at home, so we stopped by a local grocery store. While there, I decided to pick up a bottle of wine for myself to celebrate with. For what? For the fact that we got through a whole week of school without any major incidents. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but after many months of having “not so good” weeks, I felt like we’re finally making some progress and I wanted to celebrate.